Wow such beautiful scenery and beautiful writing Garrett! "It's a feeling of overwhelming bliss and joy and gratitude paired with a sense of insignificance. It seems like a paradox, but it's simply the duality of majesty and mortality; etymologically, this means feeling "the greatness of God" while acknowledging that I am "subject to death.""

I've always felt a bit deflated by this sense of insignificance sometimes, and like you, those feelings come up when faced with the vastness of earth, when i look over majestic gigantic landscapes - how do you find joy and liberation in it?

I also recently re-read the beginning of infinity by David Deutsch, where he talks about our how our cosmic insignificance may be overplayed... and that as creatures that can create knowledge about the universe, we are pivotal players in it. What do you think of that idea?

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Great writing, wonderful to follow your story. Yes indeed what a joy it is to feel so insignificant and yet so unique and important all at the same time. It gives us a better perspective on our journey, it brings us into the present moment wide awake and it gives us a better ability to remain open minded with our fellow conscious human beings. Great last line btw "I am wholly insignificant on the scale of the Universe yet holy and significant on the scale of myself." perfection!

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In my people’s faith we believe the earliest people chose death as they could not adequately appraise eternity. This is our Genesis story. Of course we will die. Yet to be close to death, to be out in a storm onward in danger feels more to me like living. That this marriage of our flesh and spirit isn’t permanent is perhaps more a reminder that living is a gift worth enjoying for eternity.

I’m enjoying following this series Garrett!

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These photos :0

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