“Lightness is freedom and opportunity; heaviness is fate and commitment. Both are necessary, and either alone is ruinous.”

This was a fantastic essay but this line especially hits for me. As a young traveller trying to figure out life, I’m constantly trying to find the right balance of lightness and heaviness as you describe them here.

Creating a life in which you have the right balance of each, I believe, is necessary for a full and happy life.

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In reponse to your spring board question:

When I finished writing my first book in college, I realized two things.

First, what feels impossibly daunting can be done if you’re patient

Second, nothing will ever satisfy me more than writing

Both those realizations changed my life, and continue to do so

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I love this paragraph Garrett. “Lightness is freedom and opportunity; heaviness is fate and commitment. Both are necessary, and either alone is ruinous. Lightness is like fire: brilliant, chaotic, mesmerizing, destructive, life-giving. Heaviness is like ice: structured, solid, slippery, boring, reliable.”

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Something about the way you phrased duality made me tear up. Thanks for sharing. This could be a motto for every day "to prioritize stillness and presence above all else".

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Garrett, there's this novel by Alice Hoffman called Ice Queen that plays on the duality of fire and ice really well. It's a story about people who were struck by lightening, and how they find redemption. I was reminded of this story when I read your article. Of course Kundera is the first person I think of when I think of duality too but Hoffman does some really interesting things in the novel... I should write about it!

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Wonderful chapter headings - looking forward to reading about your spiritual and physical journey,

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