I've tried to combat the tyranny of short-form video, but it's still seeped into my life. I've never downloaded TikTok. I've been off Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat for over a year, and I'm barely on Twitter. But I watch YouTube every day. I've always found it to be a source of quality content — both entertaining and educational.
Now that YouTube has its Shorts, avoiding short-form video content has become purely a matter of will. And, so far, I've failed. Next time I'm tempted to click, I'll try to remind myself not to chase the elephants.
This is something I found myself having to deal with lately. I cannot concentrate on reading. I usually watch movies when I'm tense, so that I can relax, but now even that is difficult.
Everytime I try to read or write, I find myself grabbing my phone instead and scrolling through Instagram feed, or trying to see if I have new messages on WhatsApp, or to see if my posts has gotten more views and comments. I feel distracted and I do not like it. Yet, I don't know how to deal with it.
I'm considering getting rid of my phone for a while (I am very certain that would help me), but that's impossible because I have responsibilities online, and work to do.
This has been my state of mind. Thank you for sharing this. Even if I don't have a solution yet (and I'm still introspecting), at least I'm now aware I've been chasing elephants.
Hi Tame, I think you describe a common feeling and a tragic reality. There’s no doubt a phone-fast would be great for many of us. I’ve wanted to do it myself but never really have (the closest I’ve been is days on Airplane Mode but the phone still in my pocket) because of the same reasons: needing it to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations. I worry about technology that augments our biology, but, if we can’t separate from our phones, maybe we’re cyborgs already. I guess that’s another thing to be aware of and another negative influence to mitigate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Reading this was well timed for me. This morning I chased an elephant by listening to a podcast about a political headline topic, something I hardly do. I felt a rush while listening to the spectacle, but unsettled afterwards. Your writing washed that feeling away--like drinking a cool, refreshing glass of water. Now I can go on with my day with a clear head
I've tried to combat the tyranny of short-form video, but it's still seeped into my life. I've never downloaded TikTok. I've been off Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat for over a year, and I'm barely on Twitter. But I watch YouTube every day. I've always found it to be a source of quality content — both entertaining and educational.
Now that YouTube has its Shorts, avoiding short-form video content has become purely a matter of will. And, so far, I've failed. Next time I'm tempted to click, I'll try to remind myself not to chase the elephants.
Use your willpower for something else- I googled how to block YT shorts and there are so many ways, I'm sharing the Google search results instead of a link to one https://www.google.com/search?q=block+youtube+shorts+from+my+youtube&rlz=1C5CHFA_enBE1045BE1045&sxsrf=APwXEdd0YW2i3pCicbWKx4QP5DsQUPSibg%3A1680985612565&ei=DM4xZPCRIoON9u8P84aUoAE&ved=0ahUKEwjwx7yyj5v-AhWDhv0HHXMDBRQQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=block+youtube+shorts+from+my+youtube&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIECCMQJzoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoFCAAQogQ6CgghEKABEMMEEAo6CAghEKABEMMESgQIQRgAUOQEWOUJYK4LaAJwAXgAgAFiiAHBA5IBATaYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
Short term video will be a waterloo for many.
This is something I found myself having to deal with lately. I cannot concentrate on reading. I usually watch movies when I'm tense, so that I can relax, but now even that is difficult.
Everytime I try to read or write, I find myself grabbing my phone instead and scrolling through Instagram feed, or trying to see if I have new messages on WhatsApp, or to see if my posts has gotten more views and comments. I feel distracted and I do not like it. Yet, I don't know how to deal with it.
I'm considering getting rid of my phone for a while (I am very certain that would help me), but that's impossible because I have responsibilities online, and work to do.
This has been my state of mind. Thank you for sharing this. Even if I don't have a solution yet (and I'm still introspecting), at least I'm now aware I've been chasing elephants.
Hi Tame, I think you describe a common feeling and a tragic reality. There’s no doubt a phone-fast would be great for many of us. I’ve wanted to do it myself but never really have (the closest I’ve been is days on Airplane Mode but the phone still in my pocket) because of the same reasons: needing it to fulfill my responsibilities and obligations. I worry about technology that augments our biology, but, if we can’t separate from our phones, maybe we’re cyborgs already. I guess that’s another thing to be aware of and another negative influence to mitigate. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Reading this was well timed for me. This morning I chased an elephant by listening to a podcast about a political headline topic, something I hardly do. I felt a rush while listening to the spectacle, but unsettled afterwards. Your writing washed that feeling away--like drinking a cool, refreshing glass of water. Now I can go on with my day with a clear head
Thank you for your kind words — so glad to hear it was helpful! Maybe you’ll even see a nice sunset tonight too.